Казакова Валерия Андреевна
ГБОУ СОШ № 419, ВАО, г. Москвы
Я люблю слушать музыку, гулять с друзьями, смотреть разные интересные
передачи, ходить с классом или с родителями на разные мероприятия. Я учу
английский с 1 класса.
Krasnodar is located in the Krasnodar Territory and is the capital of
the Kuban and this city is my native and home city. I was born here and
lived for a long time. Krasnodar is not a very well-known city in
Russia, but it is well-known in the Kuban. In Krasnodar there are many
attractions, but not everyone knows about their existence. I'll tell you
about some of them. Here is the famous cinema house «Aurora». The
cinema has 2 cinema halls: large and small. There is a café - pizzeria, a
playground and a game hall with game machines. In front of the building
there are fountains and a sculpture of Aurora. Soon the cinema will be
reconstructed. And here's the monument "Purse”, and it is located at the
corner of Gogol and Krasnoarmeiskaya Street. There is a city legend
concerning the monument: "The one who sits on it or puts his or her own
money will get financial security”. Finally I would like to speak about
the Monument to Catherine II. It was established in 1906 and was
dedicated to the centennial anniversary of the resettlement of Cossacks
Black troops to Kuban. The monument became a symbol of Ekaterinodar and
perhaps it is the biggest tourist attraction. In the hands of the
Empress there is the scepter and orb, and she looks wise and dignified,
dressed in royal purple. I love Krasnodar for the fact that it is almost
always warm there and it is my hometown.
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